Seattle Digital Marketing | Repurpose Content

About the author : Alex

Making quality content for any aspect of a business takes a lot of time and work. Even your best content can eventually get buried on social media or outranked in search engine results. One solution is to repurpose some of your old, top content to get it out to your current audience. The content that is considered to be the top content is evergreen, not content that is only valuable sometimes.

The good news is that repurposing your old content is much easier than you think. Here, we will look at some ways you can repurpose your old blog posts, images, and social media content into something new and interesting. You put a lot of time into this content the first time around, so reusing that content gives it a little bit of a boost. Here, we will look at some ways to repurpose your content which is an important part of a social media management strategy. 

Turn images into backgrounds for quotes

You probably have a lot of old photos on your social media that you have shared over the years. You can take these old photos and graphics from the past and repurpose them as the backgrounds for quotes.

It is no secret that people love to read inspirational quotes, so you can easily take an old image, possibly make some quick edits to it, and add a quote to it. This only takes a few minutes to do, and it gives these old images a new look.

Create Pinterest boards

Those old images of yours can be turned into new boards on Pinterest, helping you extend your reach. Once the board has been created, you can announce it on your other social media channels. Marketers frequently overlook Pinterest because it works much differently than other social networks, but it has millions of active users, so it is a network that should not remain ignored.

Reuse survey information

Many brands will put together surveys to gather data about their audience for marketing purposes. If your brand has done that, go over your old survey information and see what you can turn into infographics. People love infographics, and they tend to perform well on social media, so this is a perfect way to utilize this information. You can also craft blog and social media posts around this information, highlighting the different aspects that your audience will find interesting. Survey data is a treasure trove that you can reuse in a number of ways on your blog and social media. You can also release new surveys often to keep getting fresh information to include in these posts.

Reoptimize old blog posts

If your business has a blog, it is likely full of content that can be repurposed. One way to do this is to reoptimize a blog and update it to make it more current — if it has something about an old technology or strategy — and it can possibly be bumped up in the search engine rankings. You can also then post this blog on your social media again since it has been updated. You will want to target more evergreen content for this task, something that is going to remain relevant for years. After optimizing the blog article, update the featured image on it to something new and fresh, then repost it.

Compile smaller blogs into a bigger post

You probably have a number of blogs that cover different aspects of your niche, from small details to big. If you have a few blog posts that look like they could fit well together into a single article, do it. The finished product needs to be a completely fresh piece that extensively covers a certain aspect of your niche, with both the content from the old posts and new information that has come out on your subject since you wrote these smaller posts.

Create an ebook

When you work on compiling your old blogs into a longer read, you might find that you have enough information to fill a small book. If that is the case for you, do it. You can include your old blog posts, social media posts or images, statistics, and more. Of course, you will need to add in new information to make this more worthwhile for your audience. Still, you can put everything together into a book that will get your brand’s name out there, helping keep you in a position of authority with your audience. You can create a lead capture form to download the ebook, giving you new recipients for your marketing emails.

Throwback posts

Throwback Thursday is a huge hashtag campaign for businesses all over the world, but you do not need to wait for that day to do throwback posts. If something important happened in your brand on a specific date, announce it on social media with a throwback to the original posts. You can do the same thing with important dates in your niche’s history.

Additionally, you can take a post from a couple of years ago that performed well and is still relevant today and repost it to see how it does today. If this post gets as much, if not more, of a reaction from your audience, then determine how to use this popularity for future posts on social media and on your blog.

Turn blogs into podcasts

Let’s say you have a blog that performed exceptionally well and has shown to be of great interest to your audience. You can take this post topic to other colleagues in your field and have a podcast episode that expands on the blog post and offers new and interesting insights. This can be more engaging for some people than a paragraph of written text. You can include a link to the podcast episode in the blog and vice versa. Additionally, you can share the blog on social media as a teaser of the upcoming podcast episode to help boost interest in the episode before you release it.

Need help repurposing your old content? Contact Seattle Digital Marketing today.